The camp runs from 26th August -7th September outside AWE Burghfield. There will be three music workshops at the camp, on the 29th,30th and 31st August on the theme of protest and music. As well as learning existing music, we will look…
Category: Latest News
Brazil delegation: Day 1
1st April 2013 – Marabá I am here in Marabá, Pará, Brazil, on behalf of Trident Ploughshares as part of a 3 person Right Livelihood Award (RLA) delegation. We are here to express our solidarity with two other RLA laureates –…
Where are Lockheed Martin’s UK Offices?
On Monday 11th March, 2 years after the Fukushima nuclear power station disaster, a group of non- violent activists from the Muriel Lesters Trident Ploughshares affinity group, Kick Nuclear, Japanese…
Lockheed Martin, Japanese Embassy & Parliament to get more of The Muriel Lesters attention
Peace Activists target UK’s Nuclear Hypocrisy
Reports from Right Livelihood Award delegates solidarity visit to Brazil
Day 1, 1st April 2013 – Marabá Day 2, 2nd April 2013 – University of Parà, Marabà Day 3, 3rd April 2013 – The Trial, Marabá, Pará, Brazil Day 4, 4th April 2013 – The Verdict in Marabá Background to Right Livelihood Award…