From JC O’Connell, Chief Superintendent, Operations, Strathclyde Police

From JC O’Connell, Chief Superintendent, Operations, Strathclyde Police

8th February 2002

Dear Mr. Mackenzie,

Demonstration at Faslane 11 – 13th February 2002

I refer to your letter dated 31st January 2002 to the Chief Constable regarding the “Block ’n’ Roll” demonstration at Faslane and I have been asked to respond.

Experience has shown that proper policing of the Faslane demonstrations is resource intensive but proportionate to the inevitable disruption to the local community and the naval base staff. There is no policy of mass arrests as tactics are constantly reviewed by the local police commander with each case being dealt with on an individual basis. As you are no doubt aware in instances of sit down protests an opportunity to desist is always given.

Strathclyde Police will continue to deal with protests in a fair and reasoned manner and your favourable comments are much appreciated.

The policing objectives are clear and include the following:

To provide public reassurance and maintain public safety
To facilitate and police legitimate protest
To prevent public disorder and crime, and take all reasonable steps to apprehend offenders
To minimize disruption to business and community life in the areas affected by the protest
To minimize congestion to road traffic
To provide assistance to the public

I trust this information is helpful.

Yours sincerely

JC O’Connell