Government & Military Government and Military Dialogue and Negotiation Work by newtpsite • 8 December, 2015 • 0 Comments Letter to The Secretary of State for Scotland Letter from Scott Miller to TP re Scottish Independence and NATO 2015-12-07 2012-05-27 Letter to Scottish Ministers Re Scottish Independence and NATO 2012-05-27 A SUMMARY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM’S POSITION ON THE LEGALITY OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS BY TRIDENT PLOUGHSHARES 2012-03-24 Meeting between Trident Ploughshares and Scottish Government Legal Advisers onThursday 16th February 2012 2012-02-19 TP to Meet with Scottish Government Legal Advisers 2012-02-03 Trident Ploughshares to Meet with Scottish Government 2011-07-02 TP Congratulates Alex Salmond on Plans to Call on UK to Remove Trident 2011-05-30 Faslane Commodore Reply to TP Letter 10 May 2011-05-11 TP 10 May Blockaders Letter to Faslane Commander 2011-05-10 Letter from Bruce Crawford 2011-02-06 Letter from Alex Salmond 2011-01-12 Meeting with Bruce Crawford at the Scottish Parliament 2010-12-17 Replies from the MOD in response to a letter sent by TP on 21-04-09 2009-07-08 Dialogue and Negotiation with the government 2009-07-08 Trident Ploughshares requests immediate compliance with international law 2009-04-28 Correspondence re the White Paper 2007-02-21 To FCO and Mod re White Paper (“The Future of the UK’s Nuclear Weapons”) 2007-02-20 From 10 Downing St In Response to Tamarians Letter of April 2006 2006-05-09 From MOD In Response to Tamarians Letter of April 2006 2006-05-09 Letter from the Tamarians Affinity Group to the Government, April 2006 2006-04-23 To Members of the Scottish Parliament from David Mackenzie for TP 2005-04-13 From: Directorate of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear policy, 19th October 2004 2004-10-19 From Trident Ploughshares, 11th October 2004 2004-10-11 From Directorate of Nuclear Policy, MOD, 25th March 2004 2004-03-25 From Trident Ploughshares, 6th February 2004 2004-02-06 Dialogue and Negotiation Work 2004-00-00 “Britain in the World” 2002-09-00 From Angie Zelter on behalf of Trident Ploughshares 2002-07-24 From Angie Zelter on behalf of Trident Ploughshares 2002-06-04 From the Rt Hon Adam Ingram JP MP, 17th April 2002 2002-04-17 From Angie Zelter on behalf of Trident Ploughshares, 24th February 2002 2002-02-24 From Matthew Shaps, Assistant Director, Proliferation and Arms Control Secretariat, Ministry of Defence, 12th March 2001 2001-03-12 From Trident Ploughshares, 24th January 2001 2001-01-24 From Stephen Willmer, Assistant Director, Ministry of Defence, 28th September 2000 2000-09-28 From Trident Ploughshares, 31st July 2000 2000-07-31 From Alan Hughes, Ministry of Defence, 3rd July 2000 2000-07-03 From John Spellar MP, Minister of State for the Armed Forces, 17th June 2000 2000-06-17 From Trident Ploughshares, 10th May 2000 2000-05-10 From Stephen Willmer, Ministry of Defence, 2nd March 2000 2000-03-02 From Trident Ploughshares, 11th February 2000 2000-02-11 From Stephen Willmer, Ministry of Defence, 19th January 2000 2000-01-19 From Trident Ploughshares, 16th November 1999 1999-11-16 From Trident Ploughshares, 12th November 1999 1999-11-12 From Trident Ploughshares, 31st August 1999 1999-08-31 From Philip Barton, Private Secretary to Tony Blair, 9th July 1999 1999-07-09 From Trident Ploughshares, 23rd March 1999 1999-03-23 From Trident Ploughshares, 1st October 1998 1998-11-01 From Fiona Hope, Assistant Private Secretary, Ministry of Defence, 4th September 1998 1998-09-04 From Theodoros Pangalos, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Greece, 1st September 1998 1998-09-01 From Arthur C. Eggleton, Minister of National Defence, Canada, 24th August 1998 1998-08-24 From A Burton, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 17th August 1998 1998-08-17 From Stephen Willmer, Ministry of Defence, 7th August 1998 1998-08-07 From S M Gillespie, Cmdr Royal Navy, Military Assistant, 5th August 1998 1998-08-05 From Trident Ploughshares, 1st August 1998 1998-08-01 From P. Hofman, Bonn, 15th July 1998 1998-07-15 From Woodwoses Affinity Group of Trident Ploughshares, 9th July 1998 1998-07-09 From Trident Ploughshares, 1st July 1998 1998-07-01 From Trident Ploughshares, 30th June 1998 1998-06-30 From Trident Ploughshares, 19th May 1998 1998-05-19 From Trident Ploughshares, 2nd May 1998 1998-05-02 From Philip Barton, Private Secretary to Tony Blair, 3rd April 1998 1998-04-03 From Trident Ploughshares, 18th March 1998 1998-03-18