AWE Burghfield protests – Day 3 update

The 3rd day of the Month of Action against the UK’s nuclear weapons factory at AWE Burghfield started with people waking up in tents across the Construction Gate entrance, keeping the gate firmly blocked and out of action. No traffic has been able to access this gate since 11am on Monday. In spite of heavy overnight rain everyone stayed dry and cheerful. Today is the Internationals block and people have come many miles to show their solidarity – as any use of UK’s nuclear weapons deliberately or by accident would cause catastrophe and carnage right round the world – not just in the UK.

Luis from Belgium said “We are here for the second time at Burghfield and intend to keep coming until this nuclear bomb factory is closed and no more Trident warheads are produced in the UK or anywhere”

Marion from Germany said “NATO is the leading force in upgrading existing nuclear weapons. This is illegal. The US is also upgrading the nuclear weapon stationed in Germany. We don’t want nuclear war in Europe or anywhere and we are here to stop it.”

Tristi from France said “ We are two young women here from France because we are concerned about nuclear war which is not just a local issue but a global problem. It is a threat against all humanity and the whole planet. We invite everyone from the UK to come and join us in this international action.”

Antti J. Sipila, from Finnish Union of CO’s said “Due to their unparalleled destructive power nuclear weapons are an international issue that touches all of us, whether our homeland has them or not. One accident, not to mention intended use, can lead to widespread destruction of human life and nature. That is why it is up to all people to demand and act for nuclear disarmament worldwide. That is why I am here to act for nuclear disarmament of the British Trident system.”

Kikka Rytkonen from Women for Peace Finland said “ I was arrested and imprisoned for 9 hours yesterday for “obstruction of the highway”. The situation in the world raises concern. In Finland we are fighting against our country joining NATO. The heads of our governing parties and our president are pro NATO. Climate change causes the nuclear weapons and plants to be even more insecure and this is why we should shut down the insane nuclear industry projects right now!

For more info contact: Angie Zelter 074-565-88943

Pics available – see and contact or for his res images.

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